Jesus said that we are to love God by loving the world - and loving ourselves - the way that God loves the world. That includes forgiving ourselves and others. Sharing each other’s burdens and joys. Playing together. Learning together. Caring for each other and for those in need. Learning to love more fully and authentically.

Jesus told his people to love the world by doing specific things :

  • Eat and celebrate together

  • Welcome the stranger and include the outsider

  • Care for the sick and the sick-at-heart

  • Forgive infinitely

  • Let go of what keeps you from being present and awake to the world around you

  • Guide one another and be guided by one another

We have lots of ways we share life and do these things. We want you to be part of that sharing.

“It’s not about doing great things; it’s about doing small things with great love.”

- Mother Teresa of the Missionaries of Charity